영어교수기법 / C# 객체지향프로그램

2023-12-26 12:46

도서명 : 영어교수기법
저자/출판사 : 박상옥, 신아사
쪽수 : 437쪽
출판일 : 2009-02-28
ISBN : 9788983966391
정가 : 17000
PART ONE TEACHING PRONUNCIATION 1. Pronunciation Revisited M. C. Pennington and J. C. Richards 2. Does Pronunciation Teaching Have a Place in the Communicative Classroom R. Wong 3. Minimal Pair Technique L. Spaventa 4. Contextualizing Pronunciation Practice in the ESOL Classroom J. D. Donald PART TWO TEACHING GRAMMAR 5. Making Informed Decisions about the Role of Grammar in Language Teaching M. Celce-Murcia 6. A Classification of Structural Pattern Drills C. B. Paulston 7. A Typology of Structural Pattern Drills C. B. Paulston and M. N. Bruder 8. Preparation for the Grammar Lesson M. Celce-Murcia and S. Hilles PART THREE TEACHING SPEAKING 9. Some Suggestions for the EFL Conversation Class J. G. Gebhard 10. Developing Successful Conversation Groups S. K. Bassano 11. Communicative Activities A. Doff 12. Techniques for Promoting Conversation in the Foreign L ... PART ONE TEACHING PRONUNCIATION 1. Pronunciation Revisited M. C. Pennington and J. C. Richards 2. Does Pronunciation Teaching Have a Place in the Communicative Classroom R. Wong 3. Minimal Pair Technique L. Spaventa 4. Contextualizing Pronunciation Practice in the ESOL Classroom J. D. Donald PART TWO TEACHING GRAMMAR 5. Making Informed Decisions about the Role of Grammar in Language Teaching M. Celce-Murcia 6. A Classification of Structural Pattern Drills C. B. Paulston 7. A Typology of Structural Pattern Drills C. B. Paulston and M. N. Bruder 8. Preparation for the Grammar Lesson M. Celce-Murcia and S. Hilles PART THREE TEACHING SPEAKING 9. Some Suggestions for the EFL Conversation Class J. G. Gebhard 10. Developing Successful Conversation Groups S. K. Bassano 11. Communicative Activities A. Doff 12. Techniques for Promoting Conversation in the Foreign Language Classroom A. Papalia 13. Role-Play in Foreign Language Learning H. Raz PART FOUR TEACHING LISTENING 14. Listening: Problems and Solutions F. Yagang 15. Looking at Volcanoes and Listening Comprehension B. Burbidge 16. Listening: Listening Comprehension L. Spaventa 17. English by Drawing: Making the Language Lab a Center of Active Learning I. Rathet PART FIVE TEACHING READING 18. An Approach to Teaching ESL Reading to Literate Adults J. Kalnitz and R. K. Judd 19. Intensive Reading C. B. Paulston and M. N. Bruder 20. The Frontier Method of Vocabulary Practice C. M. Carroll and G. O. Mordaunt 21. Applying Schema Theory to Foreign Language Reading J. Melendes and H. R. Pritchard 22. Literature in the ESL Classroom S. McKay PART SIX TEACHING WRITING 23. The Writing Skill W. M. Rivers 24. Sample Writing Exercises C. B. Paulston and M. N. Bruder 25. Sentence Combining: An Approach to Teaching Writing that Works S. Thiede-Gonzo 26. The Treatment of Error in Written Work M. J. Hendrickson 27. Writing: The Process of Discovering Meaning V. Zamel PART SEVEN TEACHING CULTURE 28. The Language Teacher and the Rules of Speaking R. Applegate 29. 영어 교육에 있어서의 문화지도 박상옥 30. Teaching English as an International Language PART EIGHT TESTING 31. Communicative Testing in a Second Language B. M. Wesche 32. Guidelines for Classroom Testing 33. Twenty Common Testing Mistakes for EFL Teachers to Avoid G. Henning 34. Using a Videocamera and Task-based Activities to Make Classroom Oral Testing a More Realistic Communicative Experience M. Haggstrom PART NINE PLANNING LESSONS 35. Lesson Planning W. M. Rivers 36. Performance Objectives 박상옥 37. Sample Cover sheet and Lesson Plan 1 M. Celce-Murcia and T. P. Gorman Sample Lesson Plan 2 박상옥 Sample Lesson Plan 3 E. Allen and R. M. Valette PART TEN TEACHERS’ ROLE 38. Classroom Skills for ESL Teachers K. M. Bailey and M. Celce-Murcia 39. Reflective Teaching: A Bottom-up Approach to INSET K. S. Chang 40. Approaches to Language Syllabus Design and Some Implications for English Language Teaching in Korea W. K. Lee PART ELEVEN TEXTBOOK EVALUATION 41. Checklist for Textbook Evaluation W. M. Rivers 42. 영어교과서 평가 기준 박상옥 43. Evaluative Criteria for Beginning Foreign-Language Textbooks F. M. Grittner and S. Welty 44. Evaluation of Foreign Language Textbooks H. S. Madson and J. D. Bowen 찾아보기
C# 객체지향프로그램

도서명 : C# 객체지향프로그램
저자/출판사 : 이양원, 휴먼사이언스
쪽수 : 650쪽
출판일 : 2009-03-05
ISBN : 9788996190684
정가 : 29000
Chapter01 C#과 닷넷 개요
Chapter02 C# 프로그램 기초
Chapter03 C# 언어구조
Chapter04 제어문과 예외처리
Chapter05 메소드
Chapter06 배열
Chapter07 클래스와 객체
Chapter08 클래스 상속
Chapter09 참조형
Chapter10 C#고급기능
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