경쟁법연구(제19권) / 심마니 한지장 광부

2023-12-26 12:46

도서명 : 경쟁법연구(제19권)
저자/출판사 : 한국경쟁법학회, 법문사
쪽수 : 456쪽
출판일 : 2009-05-30
ISBN : 9788918018973
정가 : 30000
Regulatory Issues of the Multi-level Sales In Korea / Bongeui Lee
A Study On The Regulations Of The Fusion With Special Related Persons In Monopoly Regulations Act / Myung Su Hong
Creating Competitive Markets and Competition Law : The Case of the Ubiquitous City Service Markets / Dae Sik Hong
Characteristics of the Telecommunications Remedy for User's Damages and Procedural Issues / Young Soo Shin
Regulating the Reverse Payment Agreement In the Pharmaceutical market / Sung Jai Choi
A Study on Economic Evidence in Korean Antitrust Cases / Ju, Jinyul
Attorney's Contingent Fee Agreement as Unfair Standardized Team of Contract / Jun Hyong Lee
A Study on the Origin of Market Entry Barriers / Han Byoung Young
An Overview of the Supreme Court Decisions on the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act in 2008 / In Sung Yoon
Review of 2008 Cartel Decisions / Ho Young Lee
The Study Antitrust Law Principles related to the Abuse of Market Dominant Position / Cho Sung Kuk
Merger Control Cases of Korean Courts in 2008 / Lee Min Ho
심마니 한지장 광부

도서명 : 심마니 한지장 광부
저자/출판사 : 정성미, 글누림
쪽수 : 223쪽
출판일 : 2009-03-30
ISBN : 9788963270142
정가 : 14000
제1부 사업 개요
제1장 민족생활어란 무엇인가?
제2장 연구 추진과정
제2부 연구 내용
제3장 심마니어
제4장 한지용어
제5장 광부용어
제3부 연구 결과
제6장 마무리
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