천지팔양신주경 / 건축과학 워크북

2023-12-26 12:46

도서명 : 천지팔양신주경
저자/출판사 : 무비스님, 창
쪽수 : 72쪽
출판일 : 2009-05-15
ISBN : 9788974531782
정가 : 7500
건축과학 워크북

도서명 : 건축과학 워크북
저자/출판사 : 김장훈, 진샘미디어
쪽수 : 223쪽
출판일 : 2009-02-15
ISBN : 9788992887083
정가 : 12000
chapter 1. The Outdoor Environment
chapter 2. The Human Environment
chapter 3. The Conecpt of Shelter
chapter 4. Building Function
chapter 5. Provding Water
chapter 6. Recycling Wastes
chapter 7. Providing for Thermal Comfort
chapter 8. Thermal Properties of Building Components
chapter 9. Controlling the Radiation of Heat
chapter10. Controlling Air Temperature and Humidity
chapter11. Controlling Air Movement
chapter12. Keeping Water Out
chapter13. Seeing and Illumination
chapter14. Hearing and Being Heard
chapter15. Providing Concentrated Energy
chapter16. Fitting Buildings to People
chapter17. Providing Structural Support
chapter18. Providing for Building Movement
chapter19. Controlling Fire
chapter20. Getting a Building Built
chapter21. Keeping a Building Alive and Growing
APPENDIX: Terms and Terminology
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