COVID-19 in East Asia and Aftermath- Re-globalization, Democracy and Civil Society / 이 죽일 놈의 바카라(큰글자도서) > 도서

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COVID-19 in East Asia and Aftermath- Re-globalization, Democracy and C…

2023-12-26 11:19 1,370 0


COVID-19 in East Asia and Aftermath- Re-globalization, Democracy and Civil Society

도서명 : COVID-19 in East Asia and Aftermath- Re-globalization, Democracy and Civil Society
저자/출판사 : Hyun,Chin,Lim,Hyug,Baeg,Im,Mi, 진인진
쪽수 : 292쪽
출판일 : 2023-09-30
ISBN : 9788963475745
정가 : 26000

Tables and Figures


Notes on Contributors


Chapter 1. East Asia after COVID-19: Re-Globalization, US-China Rivalry, and Global Value Chains(Hyun-Chin Lim)

Part I Return of State and Retreat of Civil Society

Chapter 2. The Transformation of Political and Economic System in Covid-19 Era: The Decline of Neoliberalism and the Return of the State in the World and South Korea(Hyug Baeg Im)

Chapter 3. The Responses to and Impacts of COVID-19 in Taiwan: The Interplay of State and Society(Michael Hsiao)

Chapter 4. The World after COVID-19: Democratic Recession, Economic Inequality, and the Return of the State(Haeran Lim)

Part II Varieties of Strategies to Respond COVID-19 Pandemic in East Asia

Chapter 5. Different Patterns of the COVID-19 and Different Response Strategies in China, Korea and Japan(Ik-Ki Kim)

Chapter 6. Changes in COVID-19 Countermeasures and Issues of Risk Governance: February 2020 to September 2021(Tatsuro Niikawa)

Chapter 7. The Government’s Response and People’s Social Responsibility during the COVID- 19 Pandemic in Viet Nam(Minh Huu Nguyen)

Part III New Challenges and Striving Over Platform Economy and Unequal Social Impacts

Chapter 8. The Emergence of Digital Economy and Fintech in the Post Pandemic Era: Implications for East Asia(Wang-Hwi Lee)

Chapter 9. The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Aspects of the Lifeworld of South Korean People(Jonghoe Yang)

Chapter 10. Reclaiming Democratic Citizenship After Tackling the COVID-19 in South Korea(Suk-Ki Kong)


Chapter 11. Governance Failure in Global Health Crises and Prospects of Collective Action for Resilience in Asia: In Search of Democratic Middle Powers(Taekyoon Kim)


이 죽일 놈의 바카라(큰글자도서)

도서명 : 이 죽일 놈의 바카라(큰글자도서)
저자/출판사 : 오현지,저자,글,, 팩토리나인
쪽수 : 323쪽
출판일 : 2023-10-05
ISBN : 9791165347932
정가 : 32000

1. 마카오에 빠지다
2. 나의 피앙세
3. 생활 바카라
4. 또 다른 시작
6. 복의 이야기
7. 돈이 붙는 여자
8. 놓쳐버린 비행기
9. 굿바이 복
10. 올인, 네버 다이
11. 리셋
12. 단도박의 길
13. 끝나지 않은 끝
14. 나는, 노름꾼이다
15. 용 사장
16. 이 죽일 놈의 바카라
17. 자유
작가의 말


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